Ten Room Boutique Hotel Project
406 Pier View Way
From the Staff Report of February 7, 2018
The proposed project is a request for approval to establish and operate a ten-room
boutique hotel use with ancillary guest facilities being provided within the existing 12,002-
square-foot three-story commercial building. The building was originally constructed in
1888 with the third-story being added in 1920. The historic referral to the property is the
"Avon Hotel" which operated on site up until the 1970s.
The original "Avon Hotel" has operated over the years as both a residential and
commercial use, with the previous owner of the property using it solely for commercial
purposes. The property is General Plan-designated "Redevelopment" and is situated in the
Redevelopment Planning Area's "D" (Downtown) Zone District, Subdistrict 1, which is
intended "To provide a commercial/retail and office complex offering a wide variety of
goods and services to both the community at-large and to tourists and visitors."
The proposed Development Plan, Conditional Use Permit, and Regular Coastal Permit
were submitted to the City on September 12, 2017.
The proposed project would allow for the establishment and operation of a ten-room
boutique hotel with ancillary guest facilities such as a small coffee/cafe space and roof top
deck with bar and lounge area being part of phase one improvements. All ancillary
facilities would be open to the public during prescribed hours of operation. In addition, the
applicant would construct minor interior tenant improvements and exterior fac;ade
improvements in order to bring the building up to code and rejuvenate the pedestrian
experience along Pier View Way. Upon expiration of the existing lease at 406 Pier View
Way (Fire Water Saloon), phase two would include re-purposing of the space into the hotel
operation as a restaurant/dining area for guests of the hotel and visitors to downtown