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Thank you for your parade application.
Car/Motorcycle Club Entry Fee
Up to 10 vehicles: $200.00
Each additional vehicle (up to 10 additional): $20.00
Send checks to MainStreet Oceanside
701 Mission Avenue
Oceanside, CA 92054
Pay by credit card here:

Applications are not considered submitted until payment is received.
Please review the following important
information and share with your group.

Car Club Entry Fee (includes up to 10 vehicles)

Additional Vehicles (up to 10) for a maximum of 20 vehicles. You will be invoiced for additional vehicles.

HELP US KEEP OUR PARADE SPECTATORS SAFE! No throwing, distributing, tossing, or handing out items to the crowd along the parade route (including candy, pamphlets, flyers, and brochures) OR any activity that would entice spectators onto the parade route from the curbside. These activities can tempt small children to run onto the parade route and be subject to possible injury! Failure to comply will result in the IMMEDIATE disqualification of your entry. Furthermore, parade participants engaged in this violation of the rules could be subjecting their organization to SEVERE CIVIL LIABILITY AND LITIGATION. Our insurance WILL NOT protect you!


Do not exceed 20 vehicles  – no exceptions.


No refunds due to cancellation for weather.


No refunds after June 14th.


Absolutely no alcoholic beverages will be permitted.


No political campaigning.


Buses and semi-tractor trailer rigs must have prior permission from the Parade Committee.


Animal groups must pick up after their animals.


In the interest of safety and traffic control, no entry shall double back along the parade route while the parade is in progress or before officials have re-opened the route to traffic.




We would like to accommodate all entries; however, if the registrations received exceed our established maximum number of participants, entries will be ranked based on the following criteria:


1.Oceanside resident/business

2.Past Parade participants


ONE (and only one) representative from each group is required to check in at Ditmar School on the corner of Ditmar Street and Oceanside Boulevard between 8:00 am and 8:30 am.


The Independence Parade steps off promptly at 10 am.




In order to maintain contact with each entry as it moves down the Parade route, the entry must assign one member of its group to be the monitor.


The monitor leads the entry by carrying or wearing the lineup number, marching in front of the unit, maintaining an appropriate distance between your unit and the unit in front of you, and watching the Route Marshals to know when to stop and when to move forward.


The monitor communicates with the members of the entry to keep them together and moving at the same pace and to make sure the entry follows Parade rules.




Please pay proper respect to the residents along the staging streets.


Place all rubbish in provided containers.


Do not harrass residents or their pets.


Be respectful of residential property by staying in the street at all times.




TO INSURE THE QUALITY AND ENJOYMENT of the Independence Parade and to promote a safe and positive atmosphere for the various entities of the Parade, participants of the Independence Parade and persons involved with this event shall abide by the following Code of Conduct:


All persons shall act with respect towards other persons, their privacy and safety.


Physical or verbal abuse of any kind will not be tolerated


All persons shall treat public and private property and equipment with respect.


Parade rules and regulations shall be observed at all times.


Any MainStreet Oceanside official, Independence Parade official or City Employee responsible for supervising, officiating or otherwise operating the Parade shall have the authority to enforce the terms of this Code as authorized by the Executive Director of MainStreet Oceanside. Failure of any person to abide by this Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary action including, but not limited to, removal from the Parade and/or restriction from future participation in the Parade. No refund of fees shall be given for any expulsion from the Parade for violating the Code of Conduct.




Decorate your entry to represent this year’s theme: HOMETOWN HEROES


All people in the entry are in patriotic garb.


Red White and Blue GALORE.


Entry is kept together in an organized group.


The volunteer monitor keeps pace with the Parade and allows no more than 20 feet between units


The entry follows the Parade rules and regulations.


Pick-up after your animals and horses. (Please have a shovel and wheel barrel brigade at the end of your entry.)


The committee, other Parade participants, and patrons will be deeply appreciative of your thoughtfulness.

701 Mission Avenue

 Oceanside, CA 92054



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Best Downtown


Best Downtown for Shopping

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Effective 12-5-2022

© 2024 MainStreet Oceanside

Unless otherwise attributed, photography by Dave Thomas, Lu DeLucy and Road West Photography

All rights reserved.

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