Developed by a growing coalition of property owners, the Downtown Oceanside Property and Business Improvement District (DTOPBID) is a benefit assessment district whose main goal is to provide improvements, maintenance, and activities which constitute and convey a special benefit to assessed parcels.
This approach has been used successfully in other cities throughout the country to provide special benefits to property owners, namely increased sales, attraction of new tenants, increased occupancies, and specifically increased property values.
As required by state law, property owners have created this Management District Plan (Plan) to form the DTOPBID (document link below).
The renewed DTOPBID takes effect January 1, 2025, ensuring clean and safe services will continue for an additional 10 years over an expanded area consisting of 397 parcels.
DTOPBID services have made significant strides in improving the downtown area; however, there are several compelling reasons to continue the DTOPBID including:
The need to be proactive in determining the future of Downtown Oceanside.
The need to attract new business and investment throughout Downtown Oceanside.
An opportunity to create a private/public partnership with a unified voice for Downtown Oceanside.
An opportunity to establish private sector management and accountability.
If you are a downtown property owner and have questions, please contact the MSO office at 760-754-4512 and/or visit the PBID FAQ page.