Oceanside Transit Center
Pedestrian Tunnel Public Art Project
MainStreet Oceanside's (MSO) Design Committee is partnering with North County Transit District (NCTD) to manage a public art project at the Oceanside Transit Center (OTC) through the Art that Excites Program. OTC is the main transit hub of North County, connecting NCTD'S COASTER, SPRINTER, and BREEZE Bus with Amtrak and Metrolink trains.
The project area will include the pedestrian entryway into the tunnel (along the stairway and ramps).
NCTD was awarded a $144,000 grant from Clean California Local Grant Program for the public art project. The total project cost is estimated to be approximately $231,000.
Call for Artists
Project Description and Scope
MainStreet Oceanside (MSO), through its Design Committee, is accepting applications from qualified artists for the Oceanside Transit Center (OTC) Pedestrian Tunnel Art Project (Project). This Project is through the Art that Excites Program and involves the creation of a large-scale art project that reflects Oceanside’s cultural and environmental character and enhances the customer experience through the tunnel. The tunnel is a critical transit access point and experiences significant foot traffic.
This Project is a partnership with North County Transit District (NCTD) and is partially funded by the State of California Clean California Local Grant Program.
Art Project Site and Size
The pedestrian tunnel is located at 235 S. Tremont, Oceanside, CA 92054. This site is ADA accessible with ramps and stairs and presents a highly visible canvas for the public artwork. The primary art location shall be within the walls of the pedestrian tunnel; however art is encouraged on the walls adjacent to the ramp/stairs leading into the tunnel.

The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is open to all artists and collaborative artists’ teams. Local artists are encouraged to apply, but this is not mandatory. All artists must be able to provide proof of insurance at the time of application and be able to name MSO, NCTD, and any party affiliated as additionally insured with the insurance of the artist being primary. Please see the Submission Requirements and Selection Process and for all other mandatory and selective criteria listed in the RFQ.
Application Deadline
All proposals must be received by MSO by 1 PM on Friday, December 6th, 2024. Applications received after the application deadline will be returned unopened.
FAQ (12/3/24)
When are the off-peak hours for work on the project?
On-peak hours at the Oceanside Transit Center are approximately 5 AM – 9:45 AM and 3-6 PM on weekdays. Work should be scheduled outside these times whenever possible to minimize disruptions. If selected, the artist will collaborate with NCTD to develop a work plan that ensures pedestrian access is not significantly impacted.
Will there be storage onsite?
There is no storage available onsite.
Will there be security onsite? Is it 24/7?
NCTD has contracted security personnel who patrol the entire Oceanside Transit Center, including the project area. The exact schedule of security presence during the art installation will be confirmed when finalizing the artist contract. Additionally, NCTD provides a 23/7 security hotline for reporting issues.
What are the terms of the payment breakdown?
Payment terms will be specified in the artist contract and will generally follow a phased structure, with payments tied to the completion of specific milestones and tasks.
Is each artist required to have $1m auto insurance?
Only one entity (the named contract who would be signing the contract documents) would need to provide the insurance. If there are subcontracted artists, NCTD would not require anything from them insurance-wise.
For assistance with the process, or questions not otherwise addressed above, please contact Bobbie Mills at (760) 754-4512 or email bobbie@mainstreetoceanside.com
Thank you for you interest in the Art that Excites program and for your interest in a dynamic, vibrant Downtown Oceanside!
Public Art Facade Mural Project
Completed in Downtown Oceanside
The Art that Excites program recently finished a public art facade project for the Oceanside Transit Center Parking Structure located at 301 Seagaze Drive. The parking structure acts as one of Oceanside's gateways serving transit users and downtown visitors as a free parking structure.
This project is the fifth mural in the Art that Excites program.
The art facade project was funded and supported by the Oceanside California Cultural District (OCCD), MainStreet Oceanside, and the City of Oceanside Arts Commission.
"The concept for this mural is broken into three distinct yet coherent parts, which emphasize rather than shy away from the unique, multi-shaped facade of the OTC parking structure.
Taking the mural in from the northwest corner, visitors will initially be greeted by a unique pattern reminiscent of Spanish tile. As one of the more distinguishing visual characteristics of Southern California, this pattern will serve to excite and delight visitors while simultaneously reminding them of our local traditions and industries (more than 40 companies produced decorative tiles throughout Southern California between 1910-1940 and several still operate today!). The pattern seen in the attached mockup is directly inspired by the original tiles at Santa Fe Depot in downtown San Diego, but could be substituted with the pattern that adorned the original 1946-built Oceanside station, which was torn down in 1988.
As the exterior staircase cuts its upward path across the building, a school of tuna follow the same visual line created by the blocky stairs. The symbolism of these powerful fish should once again act as a visual reminder, this time of our collective history of sport fishing throughout San Diego County, an industry that continues today with both commercial fisheries as well as fishing charters operating out of the nearby Oceanside harbor. While the schooling fish appear to take flight to the upper deck of the parking structure, pedestrians and drivers will find themselves beneath the lip of a cresting wave which has already made impact at the far end of the buildings facade. The loose and energetic paint strokes of the massive 30-foot wave will communicate the energy and excitement of the Pacific Ocean just a few blocks away.
In my mural practice I always strive to create images that are thoughtful and site-specific by referencing the history and culture of the place and its people. As a long-time resident of San Diego County, I feel uniquely poised to address this project in a way that is genuine and heartfelt."
-Jonny Pucci
Jonny Pucci received his BFA in Painting from the Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah, GA in 2009.
With over ten years of experience as a painter, muralist, illustrator, installation artist and designer with works across the United States, Mexico and Russia, he seeks to create positive change by engaging in community outreach through public art. As a surfer, snowboarder and cyclist, Jon draws most of his inspiration from time spent in the outdoors.
615 Mission Ave. across from MainStreet Oceanside
"Nautical Neighbors"
Glass mosaic muralist Don Myers partnered with the MainStreet Oceanside Design Committee to install a glass mosaic mural. Depicting a community of local sea life below the surface of the Pacific Ocean, the 16-by-12-foot mural has been installed with glass sponsored and provided by Oceanside Glass & Tile and was dedicated at a Community Mural Unveiling Celebration. The mural completes the first phase of the Art that Excites program.

326 N. Horne St.
"Yin Yang Dragons" and "The Sacred Offering"
“Yin Yang Dragons” by professional muralist Gloria Muriel “expresses self-love and strength. It supports women artists.” The black-and-white mural is Muriel’s first North County mural.
Through a collaborative mentoring opportunity with Dinah Poellnitz, Muriel worked with local young artist Isabel Figueroa. “The Sacred Offering,” Figueroa's first mural, is a tribute to the women of Oceanside’s Eastside Pozole Neighborhood.
These intersecting murals located at 326 N. Horne Street embrace Oceanside’s civic identity and art diversity while representing our community’s past, present and future.

402 N. Coast Highway
"The Beauty of the Sea Will Always Be With Me"
The first Oceanside Mural Initiative mural was completed in 2017 by Skye Walker. The mural was selected by the Oceanside community with over 1,500 votes. The public art mural continues to be celebrated by visitors and locals alike. MainStreet Oceanside matched dollar for dollar to make this project a reality.
About Art that Excites
Art that Excites, previously the Oceanside Mural Initiative, seeks to install 10 curated public art murals in Downtown Oceanside. Art that Excites is a community-driven program that will integrate key partners in the Downtown Oceanside area. Through this program, Oceanside will become a destination for public art, create a model by which Oceanside and other communities can fulfill community-driven arts initiatives, act as a medium for education and community outreach, and help to define Oceanside as a community whose identity is built upon and driven by the arts.
MainStreet Oceanside is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, and your donation is tax deductible. For more information about Art that Excites or to inquire about stakeholder and corporate sponsorships, please contact Bobbie Mills at 760-754-4512 or bobbie@mainstreetoceanside.com
About the Oceanside Cultural District
One of California’s first 14 cultural districts and one of only three in San Diego County, The Oceanside Cultural District, located in Downtown Oceanside, was designated by the California Arts Council in 2017. Bounded by The Star Theatre to the north (Sportfisher Drive), the Oceanside Museum of Art to the east (Nevada Street), The Hill Street Country Club gallery to the south (Minnesota Avenue) and the Oceanside Pier to the west, the Oceanside Cultural District, is home to an eclectic, emerging art scene. Along historic Highway 101 and the Pacific Ocean, with an iconic pier and amphitheater, you will find a unique destination with an abundance of cultural resources.
Oceanside Museum of Art is a premier regional art museum and a leader of arts and culture. The California Surf Museum connects with nontraditional arts audiences while honoring local surf culture. The historical Sunshine Brooks and Star theaters provide opportunities for all ages and introduce professional theatrical expression to thousands of schoolchildren each year.
Cultural events like the Oceanside Dia de Los Muertos Festival are varied, colorful and celebratory as well as educational, featuring dance, music and food. The district is home to MainStreet Oceanside’s Farmers Market and Sunset Market, San Diego County’s top weekly food and music street fair. Tattoo artists recognize the area’s military historical heritage with much of their work, and Artist Alley provides an interactive experience for all with practicing artists and artisans. Restaurants, wineries and breweries in the district highlight local artists and musicians.