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"It's really kind of hard to be a suburb of nothing. If you don't have a downtown, you really don't have anything."
Edward McMahon
What is MainStreet Oceanside?
MainStreet Oceanside had its beginnings in the Downtown Business Association, formed in the early 1990s as a loosely organized group of business people who met on a regular basis to discuss common concerns. By the end of the decade, as business conditions improved, the group decided to elevate the Downtown Business Association to a more organized approach to downtown issues and applied for state recognition as a certified California Main Street city. Official status was granted to the organization in July 2000.
Our Mission
Oceanside Main Street should be a pedestrian friendly community with unique and exciting attractions including both daytime and evening activities for residents and visitors alike.
Our Vision
Improve and enhance economic viability by supporting the preservation of unique existing structures and encouraging new development by attracting visitors, customers and residents to Downtown Oceanside.
How is MainStreet Oceanside funded?
Initially funded by a financial commitment from the City of Oceanside, MainStreet Oceanside is a completely self-supporting non-profit corporation. Revenues are earned by the organization through the operation of the Farmers Market, the Sunset Market and the Beach Services Program. Revenues are supplemented with advertising sales, membership dues, grants, sponsorships and donations. Grants and donations to the separate Main Street Foundation help us fund the Independence Parade each year.
The Four Point Approach
MainStreet Oceanside practices the "Four Point Approach," a unique economic development tool developed by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. This discipline provides the foundation for local revitalization by leveraging local assets – from cultural and architectural heritage to local enterprises and community pride. Each "approach" is overseen by a committee made up of local business people and residents – Organization, Promotion, Design and Economic Vitality.
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